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Just as all other specialty fields have their own language, so does SOT Chiropractic. And, a large part of our goal is helping you have an understanding of your treatment and how it is affecting YOU.

Prior to your chiropractic adjustment, your physician is performing examinations which are providing neurological indications of what is physically happening within your body. These neurological indicators are then used for determining your treatment and treatment schedule. Additionally, as your doctor has studied many ways to treat patients, they use the information provided from the examinations to determine treatment is the most appropriate for YOU.

Chiropractic Manipulative Reflex Technique (CMRT) is a generalized term that refers to a number of specialized techniques to treat the internal organs (i.e. kidney, stomach, liver) of the body. CMRT is one set of procedures the SOT doctor utilizes. It is a specific set of procedures to facilitate the healing of the internal organs.

How does this happen?

First, each organ, such as your lungs, has its own communication system to the brain via the nerve supply and the nervous system. The nerves give the brain information so the brain can make changes when needed, such as increasing your breathing with more exercise. Also, each organ has its own blood supply to obtain nutrition to the tissues of the organ itself.

When your doctor finds indications of the involvement of an organ, the CMRT procedures may be used as part of your treatment. The CMRT procedures are interrupting the existing patterns of communication to the brain and is setting up a new pattern to the brain. It is also allowing the organ to receive greater nutrition and relaxation, resulting in an increase of function of that organ. Your doctor may also give specific nutritional support to help increase healing.

Dr. Hilton often utilizes Chiropractic Manipulative Reflex Technique (CMRT) because of its profound effectiveness and is explaining its vital purpose whenever incorporated as part of your holistic treatment.